FIFA eWorld Cup esports betting
by Staff Writer in
eSports Betting News

IT’S a very good time to be in eSports.

According to a report from Newzoo, the world of professional gaming is going to become a $1 billion industry in the next 12 months.

With hundreds of millions of young fans and a growing list of global brands jumping over one another to become financial partners, eSports has gone from strength to strength in the last 24 months, making the sport a phenomenon enjoyed on multiple platforms with a number of professional leagues around the world.

The potential of the eSports industry is a point of focus that we have reported on at length at

Every week, cities proudly announce new eSports franchises. Every week, different sporting codes around the world establish eSports leagues of their own. Every week, eSports stars become bigger and more well-known around the world.

Twitch, the most popular esports platform for viewers, has turned into one of the biggest streaming websites in the world, thanks to the tens of millions of fans that are watching the sport.

Twitch is owned by Amazon, in case you thought Jeff Bezos couldn’t get any richer over the next few years.

While eSports has some work to do to attract more females and diversify its audience, there’s no denying its viewing numbers are extraordinary. There are more than 200 million that currently watch eSports online around the world and that number is expected to increase by another 100 million next year.

With viewers comes the advertisers looking to attract their business.

Sporting apparel giant, Nike, put the exclamation mark on the corporate rush to the sport, which still relies heavily on sponsorship and advertising.

With this incredible growth will come more opportunity for young gamers to see a pathway to make a living out of what they love.

There will also be incredible opportunity for experts and people wanting to take advantage of all the bookmakers offering esports markets and betting.

Be sure to take your knowledge and harness it in the right way — read our betting guides and free predictions and do your homework before you place your bets.

Long live eSports!

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