The best way to describe Season 4 of Fortnite?
Out of this world!
On May 1, Epic Games updated the game and introduced major changes into its most-popular title. From map changes to news game modes, players are pleasantly surprised with the new additions to the game.
Fortnite map changes
When we say “out of this world,” we literally mean out of this world. Players knew some changes were coming thanks to the meteor showers in the map. No one knew exactly what would happen and the rumours hinted at an alien invasion.
Something fell from the sky, but it wasn’t a spaceship, just a massive comet that destroyed Dusty Divot. One of the original towns in the map was completely erased from the map and replaced with a crater. In the middle, a facility that looks out of the X-files and ready to be looted.
Around the crater, players can find Hop-Rocks. These fragments from the comet have an anti-gravity effect that allows players to jump higher than usual.
The popular Tilted Towers were also affected by the comet. Some buildings fell down and players can find Hop-Rocks there too.
Fortnite game modes
Most players don’t know that battle royale is one of the multiple game modes in Fortnite.
Save The World was introduced early this year and Season 4 brings a new game mode. For a limited time, players can enjoy the mashup between Epic Games and Marvel.
Fortnite x Avengers: Infinity Wars is now available. Players enter the map as the usually do but this time the Infinity Gauntlet is at stake. It falls inside the safe zone and whoever takes it first, will become the almighty Thanos.
Being Thanos comes with special abilities, improved shield and health points. While wearing the Gauntlet, players don’t need to loot or search for weapons because they’re the weapon. Those skilled enough to take Thanos down can claim the Gauntlet and become the new Thanos.
This time, the storms deals higher damage and the safe zone is constantly moving. One thing doesn’t change, the last man standing takes it all.
Fortnite customization
Customizing one’s character is arguably the best part of the game. Season 4 introduces new cosmetic items, like skins and harvesting tools. Players can now carry all the emotes they own at once. Also, Season 4 introduces new emotes into the game.
For the first time, players can mark their territory with graffiti. They can pick one from the broad selection available on the store. More content can be unblock if the player owns a Battle Pass.
Fortnite probabilities
Up until now, the final safe zone was located in one of the towns in the middle of the map. Players that started on Lucky Landing or Junk Junction had a hard time reaching the safe zone. Now, outer towns have a 25% chance of being the final location. It changes the game drastically and players may find themselves exploring towns they never visited before.
This changes are big and players can expect even more. Epic Games is constantly introducing new content into the game.